27 JUNE — 26 JULY 2015
In the summer of 2015, Station to Station took over the Barbican Centre in London for 30 days.
With more than 100 free events, this ‘living exhibition’ continuously evolved, with new
works introduced, created and shown every day as part of a program of live rehearsals,
performances, talks, interviews and workshops. Including over 100 artists,
no two days were the same.
Featuring: Aaron Koblin & Ben Tricklebank / Åbäke / Abraham Brody / Albert Oehlen / Alexandre Farto AKA Vhils / Alicja Kwade / Allora & Calzadilla / Angelica Mesiti / Ann Van den Broek
Anri Sala with Anna-Maria Hefele / Austin Meredith / Ayşe Erkmen / Bedwyr Williams / Bob and Roberta Smith / Boredoms / Capital Children's Choir / Charlemagne Palestine / David Kohn
Demdike Stare & Michael England / DesignMarketo / Doug Aitken / Drum Works / Ed Ruscha / Eliza McCarthy / EMA / Ernesto Neto / EYƎ / Fischli & Weiss / Francis Alÿs / Francis Upritchard
Fraser Muggeridge studio and Friends / Gillian Wearing / Goodwives & Warriors / Gus Van Sant / Hackney Colliery Band / Hans Schabus / Haroon Mirza, Factory Floor & Shiva Feshareki
feat. Colin Alexander & Sarah-Jane Lewis / Herron & Andrew Lyster / Hiroshi Tanabe / Hisham Akira Bharoocha & patten / Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard / Isabel Lewis / Jane & Louise Wilson
John Coxon / J. G. Biberkopf / J Spaceman (Spiritualized) / Jeppe Hein / Jeremy Deller / Joanna Hogg & Nick Turvey / Juergen Teller / Kate Casanova / Kelly Sears / Kenneth Anger
Lawrence Weiner / Liz Glynn / LoneLady / Luke Fowler / Marawa The Amazing / Marcus Coates / Margaret Salmon / Martin Boyce / Martin Creed / Mica Levi / Michael Landy
Mike Figgis / Moog Soundlab UK / Naim June Paik & John Godfrey / New Movement Collective with ScanLAB Projects & Oliver Coates / Nicolas Provost / Nozinja / NTS / Olaf Breuning
Olafur Eliasson / Paul Noble / Pedro Reyes / Rajasthan Heritage Brass Band / Raymond Pettibon / Richard Heslop / Richard Long / Richard Wentworth / Richard Wilson / Rob Pruitt
Roman Signer / Rosemarie Trockel / Ruth Ewan / Ryan Gander / Ryan Trecartin / Savages with A Dead Forest Index & Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome / School of Hypnosis / Scott King
Shirana Shahbazi / Simon Armitage / Simon Starling / Siobhan Davies Dance / Stephen Shore / Suicide / Tacita Dean / Tal R / Terry Riley / The Turbans / Thomas Demand / Tongues of Fire
Trajal Harrell / Urs Fischer / William Eggleston / William Forsythe / Wrangler / Yayoi Kusama / YOA RA (YOSHIMIO feat. Hisham Bharoocha & Aya Akita) / Zahed Sultan / Zak Kyes
Station to Station is a living project exploring modern creativity. The project first crossed North America by train, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, over 23 days in September 2013. Over the course of the journey, a constantly changing group of creative contributors joined and took part in ten events in major cities and off-the-grid locations. What began as a train journey has evolved into a platform for non-commercial creativity and cross-collaboration between different mediums.
Station to Station: A 30 Day Happening took place at the Barbican Centre in London from 27 June – 26 July 2015.
The Station to Station feature film is a high-speed road trip through modern creativity comprised of 62 one-minute films. The film screened in theaters in 2015 and will soon be available in DVD and digital formats.
The Station to Station book features more than 200 full-color images and numerous conversations documenting the train’s journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Published by DelMonico Books • Prestel.
30 15-SECOND FILMSStation to Station took over the Barbican Centre in London with a continuously evolving living exhibition for 30 days in the summer of 2015. Each day of Station to Station: A 30 Day Happening, a new 15-second film was posted to the Station to Station Instagram account. These individual films were brought together to create a complete filmic artwork of 7.5 minute total run time.